History and Fiction Archives - Page 2 of 6 - Lucille Turner History and Fiction Archives - Page 2 of 6 - Lucille Turner


BANKING BY STICK It is hard to believe that for hundreds of years the national method of accounting carried out by the London Treasurer consisted of taking a length of wood and cracking it in two.  At first sight, wood cracking hardly seems a proper way to run a...
500 Years of Leonardo

500 Years of Leonardo

​THE DEATH OF A GENIUS, THE BIRTH OF A LEGEND  On the 500 year anniversary of Leonardo’s death, we are drawn to re-imagine the scene in the chateau of Amboise where he died in 1519, recumbent on the small bed in the room above the river, with the French king...
Other People’s Gods – Cronus

Other People’s Gods – Cronus

 The Greek and Roman God of Time was Cronus. The Ancient Romans saw the wandering stars or planets as gods, although apparently only five planets were known to them at the time: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Nevertheless, Uranus, which was discovered and...
Other People’s Gods – Terminus

Other People’s Gods – Terminus

 Terminus, the Roman god of milestones, must have seemed a fairly useful god. He was the god of boundary markers, and he appears as a human head and bust on top of a column of stone: a deity in manly form emerging from the marker between two people’s land. He was...
Other People’s Gods – Thor

Other People’s Gods – Thor

 When the Vikings crossed the northern seas to England, they took their gods with them. Thor, the warrior god of thunder, slayer of giants, would have been an inspiration to the Viking warriors huddled in their longboats. The warriors came in search of plunder and...
A Sketch of Leonardo

A Sketch of Leonardo

Leonardo da Vinci was a major player in the evolution of human understanding.  Few men incarnated such a strong, early connection between art and science as he did, and yet Leonardo painted relatively little. Much of his time was spent on invention and discovery. And...