The Sultan the Vampyr and the Soothsayer Archives - Lucille Turner The Sultan the Vampyr and the Soothsayer Archives - Lucille Turner

The Swerve of Fate

From the very first time that pen was set to paper, poets and writers wrote about the subject that probably preoccupies us the most: fate. The past is over; we know it can’t be altered, but the future is still changeable. What we do now, will affect what we become...

The Myth of the Vampire

 When I decided to tackle the myth of the vampire in the subject matter of my new historical novel,  The Sultan, the Vampyr and the Soothsayer, which comes out on November 19th, I knew it was going to be a bit of a gamble. The popular image of the fanged figure of...

The Problem of Evil, Simplified

Following a lengthy report from the Vatican Theological Commission in 2006, Pope Benedict abolished the first circle of hell, known as purgatory. Unbaptised infants would no longer be trapped in limbo. More recently Pope Francis, a fine and profoundly spiritual man,...